Programs – Grades 4-8
Money management, career prep, and business skills for young learners
JA programs introduce young learners to financial health, work readiness and entrepreneurship and are available at no cost to teachers, students or parents.
JA programs support the curriculum and help students build on skills they learn in the classroom.
Programs are offered in a variety of formats:

Access to print and/or digital resources to create impactful learning experiences in the classroom or online.
Suitable for:
In-person or Virtual learning

Offered for select programs and dependent on volunteer availability. JA Volunteer(s) visit the classroom and lead the program.
Suitable for:
In-person learning

Student Self-Directed
Online courses that help students learn key skills independently. Option for teachers to track student progress.
Suitable for:
In-person or virtual learning
Register Your Class Now
If you’re a teacher and are ready to register a class for one of JA’s in-school programs or live in-person/online events? Click below!
Choose a Program

More than Money – Grade 4
The earlier students learn how to manage money, the greater their chances of lifelong financial success. JA has designed the More than Money program to address this challenge. The program teaches elementary students about earning, spending, sharing and saving money.
Formats Available: Teacher-led, Volunteer-led, Student Self-Directed

Our Business World – Grade 5
Students are often taught that success means “getting a good job” after graduation. Many are not aware that launching a business is a viable career option that can bring them amazing opportunities. In JA’s Our Business World program, elementary students explore how businesses are created and what makes them thrive.
Formats Available: Teacher-led, Student Self-Directed

A Business of Our Own – Grade 6
Entrepreneurs drive the Canadian economy, strengthen communities and create jobs. In JA’s A Business of Our Own program, students put on their entrepreneurial hats and run their own retail business. Students learn how to start a business, produce and promote your products, track your finances and manage a team.
Formats Available: Teacher-led, Student Self-Directed

Dollars with Sense – Grade 7
Through the newly updated Dollars With Sense program, students get the vital tools they need to make smart financial decisions, live debt-free and become savvy investors. Students learn personal money management skills that they can apply to their lives … beginning now.
Formats Available: Teacher-led, Volunteer-led, Student Self-Directed

Economics for Success – Grade 8
In Economics for Success, students take a closer look at the advantages of staying in school, as well as learn what’s needed to succeed in today’s workforce. Students create a budget for living on their own and explore strategies for success so that they can see the link between education and achieving their goals.
Formats Available: Teacher-led, Volunteer-led, Student Self-Directed

Success Skills – Grade 8
In Success Skills, students identify and build a toolkit of transferable skills that will enable them to increase resilience and improve outcomes through challenging situations.
Formats Available: Teacher-led, Volunteer-led, Student Self-Directed

Career Hunt – Grade 7/8
Career Hunt enables students to explore a variety of career paths and the steps needed to secure their own successful career. Teachers are sent a link to the event and can sign in as a class or provide the link for students to sign in individually. Students can then choose from a variety of career sessions and ask questions via a Q&A chat.
Formats Available: Virtual Events
Money Matters Modules – Grades 3-8
These 30-minute virtual learning experiences introduce students to key financial and business concepts. From budgeting and saving to creating a successful business – these bite-sized programs help students make savvy financial decisions and plan their futures.
Formats Available: Led by a teacher in a classroom setting
The students were engaged and were very interested in the topics. Many of them learned some of the material for the first time. They absolutely loved the shares game. Every student was invested and enjoying the task. They were sitting on the edge of their seat before every “day” as revealed. Thank you so much for providing this overall experience to the class and many students around Canada!
– Grade 7 Teacher, JA Dollars With Sense