Helping Grade 7-8 students learn about career paths directly from professionals in the field

JA Career Hunt brings students together with career mentors working in a variety of desired fields, industries and professions. Each student participates in interactive sessions that will open up a world of choices and help them learn first-hand what it takes to be successful.

This experience clarifies career and educational pathways and students become actively engaged in designing their own career path.


  • Career “Breakout Sessions” – Career Mentors from a variety of different fields set up in different online rooms where students join to learn about the careers that interest them most
  • Mainstage Speakers – Inspirational keynote speaker and/or themed panel
  • Interactive chat – a moderated format for students to ask questions about their career path
  • Career Expo – Event area with additional career mentor videos to be accessed during asynchronous time
  • Digital Escape Room – Students solve an online puzzle based on clues they receive from their career mentors throughout the day


Upcoming events:

A World of Choices –
Oct, 29, 2024, March 8* & June 3, 2025

A wide spectrum of careers in different sectors. *March 8th event includes special panel for International Women’s Day

Business Builders
Dec. 4, 2024

Putting the focus on
entrepreneurs and job creators across all industries

Caring Careers: Healthcare and Hospitality
Jan. 30, 2025

Exploring careers that put service first – from patients to clients

Jobs of the Future
Apr. 9, 2025

A look at newer careers in technology and other industries, including what may be coming next

Teachers – Join with your class, showing the sessions on a screen in your classroom, or have students join from their own devices! Participant video and audio will be off throughout the event and all Q&A chats will be monitored by the JA team.

Frequently Asked Questions

When should I register?

Register ASAP! We may have to limit registration based on platform capacity. Registering early secures space for your class and helps JA plan appropriately for the event.

How much will this program cost?

Nothing! JA offers the JA programming completely free of charge thanks to the support of our generous donors, supporters, and volunteers. We rely on the support of our community partners to ensure all program costs are covered. 

What if my class is not able to participate in a live session?

If attending one of our live online events is not possible, check out some of the other learning experiences JA has available. Many of them can be scheduled according to your availability or are on-demand experiences.

What if I have further questions about the JA program?

If you still have questions feel free to contact us.

Very informative, interesting and engaging. A variety of different jobs available to explore and learn about.

– Student, JA World of Choices: Virtual Career Summit